Chilkoot Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Centre

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Player  Team Position  Home Matches  Away Matches  Total Matches  Won  Lost  Matches Won (%)  Games Won  Games Lost  Games Won (%)  Current Points
Julien Revel - 1 0 1 1494
Grayson Peters - 0 1 1 1450
Jonathan Hawkins 2 3 3 6 1362
Jane Bell 1 2 1 3 1297
Mackenzie Cameron - 0 1 1 1175
Keegan Kwok 3 2 3 5 1098
Peter (Deceased) Mather (Sporty HQ Profile no up to date) - 0 1 1 1079
Drew Osborne - 0 2 2 1034
Andrew Bielz 4 3 1 4 1026
Oshea Jephson - 0 2 2 902
Nathan Able - 1 0 1 874
Muhammad Idrees 5 1 1 2 866
Ben Van Gogh 6 3 1 4 838
River Walton - 0 1 1 591
Dylan Reed - 1 0 1 495
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